The three random words are: Sparrow, cry and publicity. The outcome: this cheap try to get to your heart. The three random words have been obtained with:
A lot of people that have websites has used Google Analytics to track basic statistics. It's quite easy to implement and you get a lot of data. You know there are a lot of things that you can do with it that you don't know how to do. There are experts that can tell you how to set up a lot of options but, ey, that's a lot of information you are already getting there. I think I can life with this "basic" stuff. Since I started AlejoLab I have been learning that what I don't know about GA is a lot more than I thought. If you are somehow like me, who have some general technical knowledge about the web and usually work out the problems by searching for references instead of learning how to do the things from the ground, then you will probably do like me. Like 4 months ago I would have say I knew 50% you need to know to get basic statisctics on GA, and how to use 2% of the features to make the most of it. That last part is what you usually that other things about custom dimensions, filters, custom reports, and so on. You know someone is going to need them, but they are probably professionals with very specific needs. I thought I knew 50% you need to run the basic features and 2% of the total. After this three months I have been learning a lot of new things about GA, sometimes not very practical things, but the realizations of the features I needed. Now I would say that I know 10% of the basics and 1% of the total. Here are some of the things I have realized I didn't know about and I should. They may be basic or more advanced. I write them in a, sort of, chronological order.
I guess what happens if you don't plan to learn about something and learn by using it just because it is there. At some point you start to consider to either delegate or learn the basics in a more structured way. As always it depends on your personal goals.
I have been dissecting the situation with the help of my girlfriend/fiancé to find different fronts where I want to take action to improve and keep moving forward. Today we have managed to define at least three courses of action for what seemed a tangled and unique situation, formerly known as "what I do". I think thats three areas are mostly everything, but I cannot be sure yet until I finish making all the questions to see the situation from all the possible angles. 1. Evolve the blogAs I was talking in yesterday's post Turning point. The goal of this blog has been accomplished. I have managed to build the habit. But there are some things that the blog needs in order to keep being useful:
2. Take a solid step towards my visionThat is, to start working more seriously on a project that can be useful and profitable. Since making an income to live from blogging is not my first choice, I have put to rest some plans to market and promote the blog (because I have a small audience) until I define if the new goal of the blog really needs it. Separating the search of an income stream from the blog is important since I have been slowly believing that I need more readers to be able to turn the blog into a source of income. I have around 7 projects or topics which I have been talking about in the blog, plus 2 more which I haven't, that are candidates to be explored to help someone needs. 3. Improve time managementI need to make better use of my time, specially when doing personal, everyday house chores. Because I am at home most of the day, the everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning and so on, tend to be around me always and they define my daily schedule more than I have wanted to admit until now. Because of my inabilty to manage "house chores time" I am also having problems on how to use my "productive time" efficiently. So I am going to use the sames steps I would use to improve a creative or business process to improve the way I face the daily chores:
For example, one of the most time consuming chores is to decide what to cook according to our diet, what we have eaten recently and what ingredients I have available. I haven't succeded in preparing weekly meal plans. Which would be ver useful when doing the grocery list. What we usually use as a reference is what we have bought the last time (specially when buying online) instead of what we have consumed. So, from now on I will be tracking what things we consume each day, instead of trying to figure out what to eat the next week when doing the groceries. Another thing I have done is to prepare three check lists in a whiteboard with daily, weekly and monthly tasks for personal and house chores. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon In June's newsletter I offered a free reward for the subscribers at the end of the mail: If you have gotten this far reading the mail you deserve a reward! But I am a bit sad because only two people asked for the rewards. One of them is my girlfriend and the other is a friend of mine. This leads me to talk about some stats for the blog and if I should start marketing the blog. But I can leave that for tomorrow since it can be an interesting topic on its own. Do you find the rewards funny? Which one would you have asked?
The month is over, June amazing days. A daily post was published, and now it is time to send subscribers a nice mail, with highlit stories in a full post list. After some writing the words get through. The mail is sent! (six thirty local time), good luck and may subscribers open you. Farewell and play "you've got new mail" sound chimes. If you are reading this but not the news you are still in time, go now subscribe, and get next month's one, you have no excuse. Become one more to read and live this vibe. As long as Lab is fun and I can write, this blog will have each day a post to bite
That was actually hard to write. I am not much into poetry. My highschool teacher would be proud.
Read why this can be considered a shakespearean sonnet at writing a sonnet for dummies. To make sure I was using the right accents on the words I have cheked each verse, and the whole sonnet, using Google translator voice sintetizer. In some verses the rythm and entonation actually sounds like reciting. I have been creating a spreadsheet to track and improve my writing sessions, and I my plan is to sell it for a small price. This is based on the techniques explained by Rachel Aaron in her ebook "2k to 10k" which I read recently. She explains the basics in her post: How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day I wanted to use the ideas presented, but when starting to gather the information from my last writing sessions I couldn't resist to take some time to prepare a proper spreadsheet. What I want to provide here is a way to track the information about the writing sessions, not information about the overall progress of the book. The goal is to analize all the data to spot the patterns in your writing sessions in which you are most productive. I have prepared a version with Microsoft Office 2010 and another with LibreOffice, automating the calculations of different statictics and making everything to look nice and easy to use. The file has a sheet with instructions, another for the actual tracking of the sessions and a last one with a clean template. Some of the features included are:
Not conviced yet? Well, it's just £1.2, I won't fight for it. When the time comes that you need something like this, just remember that for this price it doesn't worth your time doing it yourself. If you think this is interesting but don't want to buy it yet, consider suscribing in the sidebar to the monthly summary newsletter to keep informed.
Today I wanted to do something for the Oppa! video project, but I had a visit to the dentist that left me out of game during most of the day. So I have been tinkering a bit with the AdWords campaign, experimenting, and I already set up the ads for the 3rd round. I have also discovered some new settings to improve the experiment. I am taking note of all these so I can make a full guide and report of the complete experiment. So, coming soon: How to use AdWords as a copywriting testing tool .. or a similar title. The idea is to use this as one of my first attempts into making small digital products to sell online. A nice presented, detailed and explicative report and guide for a very low price (maybre around 1$). I you would be interested in something like that. Why would you be interested? What would you expect to find or learn from it?
I am conducting an experiment using AdWords, to help me find the best, and most attractive words, to explain what I am doing here at AlejoLab. Each round is taking 5 days, with a budget of 2€ for each day. My objective is to maximise the CTR (clicks per number of times the ad is shown) as I want to find the words, ideas and concepts that are more appealing. After that I will focus on conversion for getting more suscribers for the list, and eventually customers. During the first round one of the ads clearly outperformed the other almost doubling its CTR. I then used the most relevant concept from the winner and created an "offspring" of two new ads, in one of which I used the same concept. These new ads have also been running for 5 days now and they both have lower CTR than the first round winner. But there is clearly one winner with a CTR of 1,07%. So it's time to design the 3rd round. But I will wait until Monday because I want to enjoy the weekend and focus on surviving the dentist visit tomorrow for a treatment with a potentially painful recovery.
I am having a terrible toothache now, I already have an appointment for the dentist but I hope the pain recedes a bit until I go. That being said, there a lot of things a would like to talk about, so I guess I will make a short summary:
Some different things have been happening along the last two days that I haven't talk about. First of all, today I was at the Best of Britain Indie Meetup at Bristol. It has been great people there and the presentations have been very specific, focused and interesting. Which is something refreshing for me to see at these kind of events. Yay! Yesterday, before the drama class started, we got to shot some new tests which I haven't edited yet. Hopefully I will do it tomorrow and publish them right away. Specially because we are meeting on Saturday 11:00 at Castle Park for more gangnam fun. Three days ago I started a new small experiment involving AdWords and a 2€ daily budget. Testing names and phrases that could explain quickly what I am doing here. The idea is to see what ads have the higher Click-through rate (CTR). It can also bring people interested in reading the blog and subscribing. Right now there are only two ads running whith one of them having clearly a better CTR, actually more than twice the other. There are getting like 40 clicks each day right now. I will be creating new ads doing split tests until I get something interesting or I reach 50€ (that would be ok for at least 5 rounds of tweaking).
Alejo ACIndie game designer
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April 2022