I am having a terrible toothache now, I already have an appointment for the dentist but I hope the pain recedes a bit until I go.
That being said, there a lot of things a would like to talk about, so I guess I will make a short summary:
- I forgot to say that the video about projections in yesterday's post was made because I am applying for a residence at Watershed. And I wanted to show some things I have done with projections and tracking because my proposed project will be mainly about that.
- The AdWords campaign experiment keeps running and it is in the second round helping already to find the words that are most attractive while describing what I am doing here. I´m taking notes so I can make a full and interesting report.
- I would love to show and share what I am doing as a wedding invitation, but it is not time yet. I have to keep it private until it has been sent, and is somewhat private so I want to change the content a bit before showing it. I went to a printer, and they told me that it's the most complicated design they have ever thing. Correct aligment is essential and they are not doing it. Luckily we are achieving a fairly decent quality and aligment with the printer at home, and I have bought the special paper we need to print it ourselves.
- Today I had another work session for the Oppa! video project, We were just three gathered around a cup of tea and a piece of cake (my tooth was not aching yet) while reviewing last day's work and taking notes (that I need to write in the production document).We also did a small testing dancing using our fingers so we could experience the possibility of really slowing doing movements without worrying about balancing your body. I will upload it soon, as usual.
- Finally I have been at another class of the NLP course. It has been very interesting by itself, but because of my teeth I wasn't in the most comfortable position to be relaxed. As the positive side, I have been able to "experiment" and get some doubts, that I will ask to the teacher, involving interferences (such as pain), while programming yourself. If you are a bit into NLP maybe you can understand what I mean, or even have something to say by yourself. While doing some of the exercises I couldn't focus, or I didn't want, as I didn't want to relate, what were supossed to be clear and bright positive images and thoughts with the pain I was feeling. On the other hand, I was more comfortable and focused while being the guide for another studing during and exercise.