My deck of intùiti arrived just a few hours ago, they look nice and have a mysterious presence.
When I first backed the kickstarter campaing I did not go deep into the concept. I just liked the idea of a bunch of images that I can shuffle and use as a seed for inspiration and to create random connections when thinking creatively. I knew the author made some thinking and researching about what kind of images can trigger that. But when I have finally touched and seen them I have realized there is a pattern. They really look designed to work together, as a whole, having the elegance and balance of something universal.
When I first backed the kickstarter campaing I did not go deep into the concept. I just liked the idea of a bunch of images that I can shuffle and use as a seed for inspiration and to create random connections when thinking creatively. I knew the author made some thinking and researching about what kind of images can trigger that. But when I have finally touched and seen them I have realized there is a pattern. They really look designed to work together, as a whole, having the elegance and balance of something universal.
The following is an excerpt from the official book that explains all the study and research behind the creation of these cards. It is a little example on how to use the cards and I am going to try this right now:
To begin
Arrange the primary intùitis in front of you, choose two of them – the
one that attracts you the most and the one that makes you feel the most
uneasy – and read the corresponding tales: these two intùitis represent
the poles of your creativity, the origin of your inspiration and the fear
that can inhibit you.
You can also analyse the cards thoroughly by reading the explanation of
the related archetypes and the interpretations of Positive and Negative.
Consider that this kind of game has no universal value: your favourite
card today can be the one which will mostly bother you tomorrow. You
are not static. Your way of thinking, feeling and facing problems vary
So, I lay down all the primary cards and start looking at them. Most of them are quite appealing to me and just a few look uneasy. It has been easy to choose the want I feel most attracted in this moment, but choosing the other is not easy.

I find three of them less appealing aesthetically but they don't really make me feel uncomfortable. Then I try to see if I there has been a specific card I have avoided while looking. It happens there are one or two of them that I are not specially looking at, but I actually like them. They are just not catching my attention. In the end I go back to the ones that I find "uglier" and I finally choose the one that came to my eye in the first place, almost intuitively.
So, according to these cards, right now, the origin of my inspiration is coming from concetrated energy waiting to be released at the right moment when I know it will serve me the most. And what it is inhibiting my creativity is the feeling of destruction that comes during, and after, a "cleaning" situation. It may be seen as a crisis were risk and opportunities are present.
So, according to these cards, right now, the origin of my inspiration is coming from concetrated energy waiting to be released at the right moment when I know it will serve me the most. And what it is inhibiting my creativity is the feeling of destruction that comes during, and after, a "cleaning" situation. It may be seen as a crisis were risk and opportunities are present.
When seen as a positive card it is about drawing inspiration from the danger and the destabilization of certainties. And I actually consider myself a person that do this. But anyway, this has led me to some reflection about my actual situation and I can see some fear and blocking in it.
Now I just have to take my concetrated energy and risk it to create some opportunities.