When I started to build the habit of publishing something everyday I could imagine myself going through different phases. Starting from being driven by the novelty, sometimes forcing myself, getting used, and eventually feeling that it is something you don't ever question anymore.
What I am actually seeing is that I am somewhere between "sometimes forcing myself" and "getting used to it", but somedays it is just I don't question it. So I guess I have to think about these phases again. But there is also another factor I didn't think of at the beginning. When you are living with another person, your significant other, and you can see how her reactions changes towards your new habit.
Because I usually write the posts at the end of the day (something that I would like to change) she sometimes feels that my challenge to build this habit is her enemy. At first she supported with the curiosity of the new challenge, then came a phase of "it looks like you don't want to do this", but now it is turning to a phase similar to "don't question it anymore", it simply is.
I don't know if there are more phases ahead for the two of us. But this made my thought about how the habit evolves in a different way when you have to make it happen and when your are adapting to it.