Today was the last day of the drama & improv class I was attending. So we have performed in front of a small audience. It has been very fun and I am going to miss the acting games.
We have performed some improvisation games such as "freeze & go", "Endowements" or "Dubbing", which is actually the one in the photo below were two of us acts babling in a made up language and then another performer "translates" what we have just said with hilarious and unexpected results.
I have alwasy considered that having some skills in acting and staging have been very useful for me when designing or creating almost anything. Whether it was a video game, fiction or painting an oil picture, to name a few.
I would like to keep improving these skills because I have loads of fun doing this. And I sometimes think how can I tell and help other designers with the lessons learned. Maybe it is something to think about: "Acting and staging for game designers".